I'm in loooooooooooooooooooove with Bunk. I discovered it at work. There are two bunks in town. One is Bunk on Morrison and the other is off of Water Ave. called Bunk Bar. I deliver beer to Bunk Bar and for a month was like I'm gonna have to try this. One day I had some time to kill at work and gave bunk a shot. MMMMMMMMMMM
Changed my life it did. I tried the Pork Belly Cubano. It is a pork sandwich with pickles , pork belly, cheese, crap i dunno what else but it is the best food I have had in Portland so far. The sandwich is 8 bucks . The tuna melt is also good. The cuban reminds me of a sandwich I had at a Cuban food place in the Orange circle in So Cal. The Pork Belly Banh Mi is also worth a try if you ever decide to go.
Bunk: 621 SE Morrison Mon- Sat 8am-3pm
Bunk Bar: 1028 SE Water Ave. E'ry day 3pm-2am