Saturday, November 27, 2010


Lately all I have been cooking is the same things over and over and over. Usually chorizo tacos with habanero and teriyaki burgers. I don't stray from it now do I. I need to start eating at restaurants and reviewing them! Slackerrrrrrrrr!

I suppose I could show you where I had thanksgiving!

Living in Portland can be a bit lonely at times due to the fact that I barely know anyone! I had the biggest circle of friends on earth in Orange County. I could do anything with anyone anytime. Up here is a little more challenging. So Thanksgiving was going to be especially difficult for me considering I worked the day after (lame!) so driving to my nearest relatives in San Francisco(10 hrs.) was out of the question. I heard a bar was serving food and I tend to o to this bar on Thursdays anyway due to the dollar beer night. Buuuut.

I am thankful for having Les in my life. He is my coworker and he always looks out for me. He invited me to a private thanksgiving dinner at Nepo 42, a bar in North Portland. It had everything a thanksgiving had and I even saw a couple coworkers who also had no family around Portland. It definitely made my first turkey day away from family a little easier to manage.

Line for foood

My plate of heaping goodness.

This man is now family! He calls me son, I call him pops haha
Notice the draft selection? How many have you heard of?

My favorite blogger has a food giveaway! She also has an amaaazing blog and you should read it. Sometimes it gets me off my lazy ass in search of something to cook. She's far more creative in her cooking, and it's far healthier.

whole wheat or bust!

If you are ze winner you get a tasting box from foodzie.
It ends sunday at 10pm pacifico.

1 comment:

  1. Hell yeah! Your blog rocks! Im glad you messaged me! Your dinner looks mouthwatering. I would have been in food coma.
